Thursday, February 28, 2013

Marvel's Iron Man 3 International Poster!

03.01.2013 – Lately Iron Man 3 is getting more promotions and the film won’t be out until Sometime in April 2013. There where several character posters that has been unveiled which includes trailers to get your attention.

Of course we know already about the toys that have come out recently with mixed reactions. Though there are some that did not make it to the display stands it seems the Iron Man mania is upon us! Read more »

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jack The Giant Slayer -- Humongous Adventure!

02.28.2013 – Representation of the modern age fairytales has to be bold and a little bit close to reality. Not that to exaggerate for the sake of its ambition to become a blockbuster film. Jack and the Giant Slayer have the elements that inspired “Jack the Giant Killer” and “Jack and The Beanstalk” with a bit of epic proportions.

Bryan Singer weaves his way in making this film to be enjoyable and at the same time ambitious for you to be interested. After a long hiatus from the director’s chair Singer returns to direct this twisted version of your bedtime story.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


02.27.2013 – For million years we haven’t seen the real tragedy that has befallen our cavemen brothers. Of course science researchers have been keeping track on the human origin on what really happened.

We all know that the extinction of the dinosaurs during the time of the cavemen was resulted in the catastrophic meteor shower. Sometimes we ever wonder how they thrive to survive in a case of a fictional adventure of The Croods it tells a different story. Read more » Measures Castle Grayskull®!

02.26.2013 – Last year has revealed plans to produce a new Castle Grayskull scaled to the Masters of the Universe Classics action figures. The fans has answered and saved the pre-order in bringing the interest to reality.

A few weeks back during Toy Fair 2013 Mattel has finally unveiled the biggest playset that has fans who grew up with the original gushing with excitement.
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Monday, February 25, 2013

Iron Man 3 Character Posters!

02.26.2013 – The Official Iron Man Facebook page continues to promote the upcoming third film. For the past weeks it has unveiled the character posters featuring the main players that might include some Easter eggs that would reveals about the movie.

The most recent image is Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts holding a damaged helmet of Iron Man like cradling a dying child and check out the other character posters… Read more »

Happy Meal March 2013: SpongeBob Olympics!

02.25.2013 – This March 2013 McDonald’s Happy Meal in the Philippines is SpongeBob SquarePants which features eight characters with four others that has Mr Krabs, Sandy, Patrick Star and Squidward in Olympics themes.

Originally it was released in North America sometime prior to the Olympics with sixteen character designs that also featured others from the cartoon series.

Evidently the Asian release gets only a selected few.
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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Daredevil #23: "Men Without Fear!"

02.24.2013 – Finally! Daredevil joins Marvel Now with a jump-in point for interested readers who want to catch up with Matt Murdock’s adventures. If the previous issue has left you in the dark where to begin then this might be the issue that you need to read.

Once again Mark Waid and Chris Samnee take us on the wide inhabitants of Hell’s Kitchen with Matt Murdock in the driver seat figuring out who was the enemy that has been haunting him since the third issue.
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Friday, February 22, 2013

Artist Scott Clark Remembered.

02.23.2013 – Long time comic book artist Scott Clark who made a name when he was working for Jim Lee’s Wildstorm imprint has past away at the age of 43. This report was announced courtesy of The Out Housers.

Clark best known for his work in the original Storm Watch series in 1992 as its main artist and it was his break out year. Read more »

Thursday, February 21, 2013

PRESS RELEASE: Jason Clarke joins the Apes!

02.22.2013 – The Rise of the Planet of the Apes was sort of reboot of the franchise. The science fiction film has a long storied original of the apes dominating the Earth and 20th Century Fox has announced a follow up sequel to this film.

The seeds have been planted for the franchise has already been planned long before RotPotA was shown in cinemas and you’re still skeptic what happens next… Read more »

Toy Sightings: Iron Man 3 from Hasbro!

02.21.2013 – The Iron Man 3 promotional starts with the released of the merchandise and what not. If you are an avid enthusiast then this might be to your liking regardless of any form that can be related to the upcoming film.

The huge popularity of Iron Man that began almost 5 years ago is a stat of bigger things either good or bad. The popularity of this character is only rivaled to DC’s Batman which had recently ended its trilogy in 2012. But for Iron Man this is just a beginning not only in the films but in sales of its merchandise.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dream Tomica 144: MarioKart 7 Mario!

02.20.2013 – Mario Kart is the longest running racing game with its current version released in the Nintendo Wii U game console.

It’s one of the greatest multi-player racing experiences being a diverse game mode that has a rich replay value of its entertainment fun.

Mostly a fun experience being played also in handheld gaming consoles for Nintendo that younger kids enjoy playing with the same group who has a Nintendo 3DS.
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Monday, February 18, 2013

PinoyKon Venue Directions Updated!

02.19.2013 – Pinoykon has been consistently being promoted all over the social media network. It is the latest Filipino Pop Culture related convention to have its debut promoting comics, toys, cosplay, and games under one event.

The event is more focused to promote more of the growing comic book loving community which has been the latest boom in the past years. Pinoykon aims to set the bar high in encouraging fans to make their own works as well as acknowledge the growing industry. Read more »

Star Trek Into Darkness Featurette!

02.19.2013 – “Star Trek Into Darkness” is set to take the franchise to the next level as JJ Abrams takes the helm of this film once again amidst his previous announcement to be the next director for the new Star War film set in a few years from now.

There are a lot of revelations and rumors being talked about the villain behind this film. But let’s leave that for another day. What Paramount has recent revealed is behind the scenes production in making this film and of course anticipation is riding high on the next Star Trek film. Read more »

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Daredevil #22: "Web of Lies!"

02.16.2013 – Not every superhero lives in the lap of luxury of course there are some who endured going through their personal lives that also affects the character’s well-being.

In the case of Matt Murdock who has gone through a lot of changes that you get lost in his status as a street hero.

Now he has to deal with the guy who happens to be his best friend in Spider-Man who also faces tough choices in life.
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Monday, February 11, 2013

PRESS RELEASE: Eleanor Tomlinson on Jack the Giant Slayer!

02.12.2013 – Jack and the Giant Slayer is a few weeks away before it hits cinemas all over the world. The film that brings back Bryan Singer to the director’s chair since his last outing with Tom Cruise in Valkrie.

Now with his latest film with Nicolas Hoult and the cast of men in armor set an adventure set to slay the giants in the big screen. But the movie is not only about the director and its leading men.
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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fall of Cybertron Starscream

Presenting the Transformers Fall of Cybertron Starscream.

I really did find it a lot of fun to take control of this pontificating windbag in a video-game.

Though to be honest I felt like Starscream was running around like someone had kicked him in the gonads in the FOC videogame - but he did have such a happy "Mario Brothers" gait - I suppose with Megatron "Dead" and the entirety of Cybertron at his feet, he had a lot to be happy about.

But I have to say he was dreadfully difficult to fly - or maybe it's because you spend so much time playing as a first person shooter, that suddenly switching to a flight simulator type game makes it difficult.

Still really cool.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

PRESS RELEASE: Iron Man 3 Extended Teasing!

02.04.2013 – Iron Man 3 is a few months away but there have been promotional images teasers and anything about Tony Stark has been shared and re-posted online. After the huge blockbuster his in The Avengers we get to star phase two.

It’s the second chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Movies that started with the very first IM film and it gets better whenever a new film gets to be released and looks like this one’s a definite killer in teasing besides the latest poster. Read more »