Friday, July 27, 2012

Marvel Universe: Luke Cage

Presenting Like Cage from the Marvel Universe Toy-line. Real name Carl Lucas AKA Power Man.

I have to say that I was not really a fan of Power-Man  back before he became the leader of the New Avengers. It's hard to take someone seriously as a hero when he dresses like a chocolate disco banana with a golden-tiara to frame his afro and a bromance with a rich-white-boy with a tattoo fetish.

So I'm really glad that Marvel decided to modernize him by putting him into regular street clothes - no fancy latex or costumes - and getting rid of his afro. This Luke Cage looks like someone you'd see sitting on the steps of a busy Bronx apartment building keeping the streets safe from drug dealers, crime lords and common thugs.

But Marvel did give one last nod to his disco past by making sure everyone on that street knows his name thanks to that bling.

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