Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Zoids: Red Horn

Presenting another relic pulled from the basement of the Dungeon, a Zoids Red Horn.

I remember kids watching the Zoids cartoon and hear them blurt out that the bad-guy rides a Triceratops. I just rolled my eyes and wondered what kids were being taught now in school. The Red Horn is clearly not a Triceratops - to begin with, it only has one horn - it's a Styracosaurus - a single horned dinosaur with a flaring armored crest.

And I've always liked the Red Horn - even if he is a "bad-guy" zoid. It's tough: well armed for a close-up fight and heavily armored - particularly up in front.

So I'm kinda disappointed that they constantly portray Red Horns to be such whimps in the cartoons. It's reputation in the Battle Story series is much, much better. There it's almost unmatched.

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