Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fall of Cybertron Shockwave

Presenting the Fall of Cybertron Shockwave.

Shockwave is literally a mad scientist in the city of Kaon on Cybertron. His relationship with Megatron started when Shockwave started providing weaponry to the arena gladiator - so we can assume that that big Fussion-Cannon that Megatron uses is something that Shockwave created for him.

Ironically, FOC Shockwave only befriended Megatron because he wanted to create an army of Megatron-like clones.
Are you feeling lucky punk?

Instead he ended up becoming Megatron's second-in-command. In the War for Cybetron DS version, there's supposed to be a part where Shockwave rebels against Megatron and you have to beat him and his friends up. Unfortunately I only have the X-box version.

In the yet to be released Fall of Cybetron video-game, Shockwave finds and starts to experiment with Space Bridges in an attempt to steal energon from other planets to reboot the dying Cybertron. Along the way he finds prehistoric Earth. Impressed with the savagery and power of dinosaurs - and the intricacy of insects, Fall of Cybertron Shockwave goes home and creates the Dinobots - Transformers with immense power but sadly lacking in intelligence - and the Insecticons. Naturally the experiment goes awry and the Dinobots turn against their creator.

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