Sunday, January 6, 2013

Transformers FOC Grimlock

Presenting the Fall of Cybertron (FOC) Grimlock! One of the best - if not the best - thing to come out of the Transformers Fall of Cybertron is, hands-down - is being able to play the Mighty King, Grimlock!

And what a character he is to play! Grimlock is a walking tank, he shrugs off damage, grabs Decepticons and repeatedly stabs them with his Bastard Sword to recover health or use them as handheld weapons or thrown projectiles, and has a nigh-impenetrable shield to keep him safe. He's a tank! A Lord of the Battlfield! While playing him, you can't help but mutter "Me Grimlock, King!"

And of course he commands the Dinobots who are all similarly tough and unstoppable forces of nature

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