Wednesday, October 3, 2012

GI Joe Retaliation Trooper

Presenting the GI Joe Retaliation Trooper.

Today is the 11th Anniversary of the 9-11 tragedy so I thought it would be nice to review such an iconic figure today.

The GI Joe Retaliation Trooper is the current chase figure thanks to it's troop building value - and the fact that, if rumors are true - there's only one GI Joe Trooper in each of the currently dispatched Hasbro Boxes.

I'm personally not sure if he's rarer than the Red Ninja... Just occurred to me that I have a Red Ninja somewhere and I've totally forgotten about him... anyway, personal experience indicates to me that he is rarer than the Retaliation Cobra Red Ninja.

I actually found this particular GI Joe Trooper in - of all places - a bookstore.

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